Avoiding thefts

Unfortunately every year somebody's equipment gets stolen. E.g. last year expensive earphones, computers, hard disks etc were stolen. We have a 24 hours a day security team patrolling the premises, but it is impossible to provide complete security.

The best way to secure your property, is to guard it personally! If you need to go to sleep or otherwise leave your property unattended, please ask a friend or neighbor sitting next to you to watch over the property. You can also leave your equipment at our luggage deposit, which is guarded 24 hours a day.

If however, something gets stolen: REPORT IMMEDIATELY the theft to our security team. The sooner the theft is noticed, the sooner we can start searching for your lost property.

All thieves will be liable for any damages and we will call the police in every single case.

So, don't leave your computer or any other property unattended!